?The intelligent urban public transportation project assists the competent department of the industry to improve the urban public transport comprehensive operation monitoring network and the information collection system.
08 Oct,2019The Huizhou Expressway Maintenance Management System is one of the important application systems of the transportation infrastructure management.
11 Sep,2019The comprehensive information system of the North Jiangsu Canal covers the 400 kilometers of the north section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, as well as 11 cascades and 28 ship locks.
09 Sep,2019The National Highway of Yellow River Bridge Project fully utilizes?the technical advantages of “Internet + BIM+GIS”, which realizes?the visualization of design results, core construction process, construction process controlling, and maintenan…
21 Aug,2019Till 2017, 33 cities have been running urban rail transit with a total length of 3,965 km and 11 cities have been running modern trams with a total mileage of 233 km in China. Currently, the urban rail transit system of 53 cities is under construction wit…
28 Jul,2019Qianzhangchang Railway starts from Qianjiang District of Chongqing and ends at Changde of Hunan Province. The total length of the railway is 340 kilometers and it works as the national first-class two-lane electrified railway for both passengers and cargo…
27 Jul,2019The expressway facility digital management system is a set of road digital management system developed by a corporate partner of SuperMap based on 3D technology. The system supports the rapid collection of expressway environment information, the rapid con…
26 Jul,2019Based on SuperMap GIS, the partner company has developed a comprehensive project management system. The system realizes the integration and application of the 3D geographic information of the project area, the BIM model of the project, and various data in…
25 Jul,2019The Airport Transportation Operation Management System is?a unified operation and management platform for ground transportation of Qingdao New Airport. It realizes the organization and coordination of various transportation modes including subway, hi…
15 Jul,2019With the coming era of big data, SuperMap realizes the technological innovation of all aspects of the spatial big data process. SuperMap deeply integrates big data storage management, big data spatial analysis and big data real-time stream processing with…
04 Mar,2019