Change the x, y, and z values of “sightline.viewPosition”.
07 Jan,2020 WebGLOnly after setting the height of the polygon entity, you can set the wireframe of it.
07 Jan,2020 WebGL1. Check whether a single file in the generated s3m cache files is too large. The most suitable size for a single s3m file is tens to hundreds of k. 2. Do some operations in iDesktop such as Generate Agent Node, Build CompactFile and so on.
07 Jan,2020 WebGL1. When publishing a service through iServer, the workspace file is exclusive, so it needs to be closed. 2. The generated s3m cache files need to be placed in the same directory as osgb files. 3. The disk which stores the model has no permission to read data. Open the properties window of the storage disk and modify its permissions.
07 Jan,2020 WebGLSee if the generated cache has style when open it in iDesktop and browse it in iServer. If it has style in iDesktop but it has no style in iServer, the problem might be that the name of cache file has a # sign, cut out the # sign.
07 Jan,2020 WebGLApply for a new key on BingMap website and set “Cesium.BingMapsApi.DefaultKey”.
07 Jan,2020 WebGLSet the “hasLight” of the oblique photographic model layer to false.
07 Jan,2020 WebGL1, check whether the terrain data was generated as TIN cache. 2, if the project was published by IIS, “mime” filtering should be added.
07 Jan,2020 WebGLYes, dynamic layer can only load s3m models.
07 Jan,2020 WebGLTexture blackening is due to the size of the texture is not 2 to the power of n, there are two solutions: 1, modify the texture size and import the model again from modeling software to iDesktop; 2, do not check Texture Sharing when generating cache in iDesktop.
07 Jan,2020 WebGLBy ScreenSpaceEventHandler.setInputAction, the type of the extension event is Cesium. ScreenSpaceEventType. LEFT_DOUBLE_CLICK.
07 Jan,2020 WebGLiServer provides 3D spatial analysis and 3D spatial query service. The front end can realize 3D spatial query through ajax request.
07 Jan,2020 WebGLConfigure the polygon layer by water surface symbol and generate the scene cache in s3m format in iDesktop.
07 Jan,2020 WebGLAdd “viewer.scene.terrainProvider.isCreateSkirt = false;”.
07 Jan,2020 WebGLClose the original switching control and event, rewrite a front-end control and switching event, and replace the original one with the new one by “viewer.scene.Mode”.
07 Jan,2020 WebGLNo, it can be transparent. When setting the transparent color for image cache, set a tolerance for the transparent color, namely transperantBackColorTolerance.
07 Jan,2020 WebGLRegister listener: “function pick(feature){} viewer.pickEvent.addEventListener(pick);” Remove listener: “viewer.pickEvent.removeEventListener(pick);
07 Jan,2020 WebGLNew a flight route under the Flight Manager in iDesktop, create a new site by mouse or scene camera, and adjust the corresponding parameters of each site.
07 Jan,2020 WebGLYou can publish the original dataset as a data service, and directly search the data service when initializing to obtain the attribute information of the model.
07 Jan,2020 WebGLSeparately set the distanceDisplayCondition for each label entity (LabelGraphics), ex.: entity.label.distanceDisplayCondition = new Cesium.DistanceDisplayCondition(0, 1000);
07 Jan,2020 WebGL