A: If you encounter a license installation fails, or the installed license is not available, you can use the following method to uninstall the driver and then reinstall. (1) Use the following command to delete the directory /var/hasplm cd /var rm -rf hasplm (2) Uninstall the license driver: cd /SuperMapiServer7C/support/SuperMap_License/Support/aksusbd-2.2.1-i386 ./dunst (3) Reinstall the license driver: ./dinst
20 Sep,2019 iPortalA: There are four steps to configure license through com.supermap.license.jar in the way of command lines: (1) Set the Java environment variable, and set the directory of LD_LIBRARY_PATH as com.supermap.license.jar. export=./support/jre/bin/ export=./support/SuperMap_License/ (2) Get the machine information. Enter SuperMapiPortal7C\Support\SuperMap_License directory, execute the following command with specifying the path where the generated local information file is stored, then a * .c2v file in the specified path will be generated. java -jar com.supermap.license.jar -create /path/*.c2v (3) Submit the local information to the Beijing SuperMap Software Co., Ltd. Submit the local information file (* .c2v) generated by the above steps to Beijing SuperMap Software Co., Ltd., we will generate *. v2c official license file based on it and return to you, through which you can configure the official license. (4) Make the license work. Place your *. v2c official license file into a specified location, execute the following command: java -jar com.supermap.license.jar -update /pathName/*.v2c Besides, you can execute java -jar com.superamp.license.jar -help to view the related commands about license.
20 Sep,2019 iPortalA: Please configure the IP address corresponding to host name in /etc/hosts file. If you add the last row, it means to map linux-3z6l to 12345# Syntax: # IP-Address Full-Qualified-Hostname Short-Hostname localhost linux-3z6l
20 Sep,2019 iPortalA: When the network is not available, the problem of registering services on Windows platform can be resolved through the following ways : Add a mapping to the hosts file in the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc directory, for example: www.iportaldemo.com Then registering service address starting with the above domain name.
20 Sep,2019A: You can specify all IPs used by iPortal by modifying the -Diserver_ip in the Java virtual machine parameters in Catalina.bat. That is: modify the% SuperMap iPortal_HOME%/bin/catalina.bat JAVA_OPTS, set-Diserver_ip for the desired IP, such as: set JAVA_OPTS =% JAVA_OPTS% -Xms256m -Xmx1536m -XX: MaxPermSize = 192m -Xss512k -Diserver_ip =
20 Sep,2019 iPortalA: When stopping SuperMap iPortal, please use shutdown.bat/sh instead of the Ctrl + C command.
20 Sep,2019A: When starting SuperMap iPortal via Windows service, in Tomcat for instance, iserver-log4j.properties in [ SuperMap iPortal installation directory]\webapps\iportal\WEB-INF specifies the log's location. Open the file, find "log4j.appender.F.File = .. /logs/iserver.log", which means the logs folder located in the upper directory of the service startup file (cmd.exe), that is, the log file path is: C:\Windows\logs\. In addition, the user can modify the log4j.properties file above, for example change to a absolute path: log4j.appender.F.File = D:/Tomcat/logs/iserver.log.
20 Sep,2019 iPortalA: iPortal provides automatic restarting mechanism to ensure that it can continue to work correctly in the case of abnormal shutdown. The auto-restart feature is valid in the following scenarios: When starting iPortal Windows / Linux installation package by command lineThe auto-restart function does not apply to the following scenario: When starting iPortal via Windows service
20 Sep,2019 iPortalA: There are the following possible reasons: (1) Check whether you have installed Kingsoft anti-virus software. Running the Kingsoft may cause the iPortal service to crash. (2)The Tomcat 7.0.29 will cause memory leaks, please change to other Tomcat versions, such as Tomcat 7.0.26.
20 Sep,2019A: When creating thread in the pool, a physical thread will be created in the operating system. For certain machines with inadequate memory, the memory needed for operating system to create physical thread will compete with Java virtual machine heap memory when the amount of registered data and visits are large, and the system needs to deal with high concurrent requests, resulting in creating threads failed (The maximum memory of Java virtual machine of iPortal 32-bit package is assigned 512M by default, the maximum thread number is 300). To solve the problem, you can: (1) Reduce the memory assigned to Java virtual machine by changing Java virtual machine parameter. For example, changing JAVA_OPTS " in %SuperMap iPortal_HOME%/bin/catalina.bat to a smaller value like -Xmx512. (2) Reduce the active threads of Tomcat connection pool by changing maxThreads in %SuperMap iPortal_HOME%/conf/server.xml to a smaller value.
20 Sep,2019 iPortalA: SuperMap iPortal package are deployed in Tomcat by default, Tomcat uses the 8090, 8015 ports by default, if any of the ports are occupied, you can not start the normal service. You can this problem in two ways below: (1) Quit the program that takes the port and restart SuperMap iPortal. Currently known procedures that may occupy 8090 port are: The automatic upgrade program of 360 anti-virus software. (2) Modify the Tomcat port number in SuperMap iPortal package and restart SuperMap iPortal. Go to % SuperMap iPortal_HOME% / conf / server.xml, modify the related ports in it, such as:
20 Sep,2019 iPortalA: SuperMap iPortal needs configuring JRE 1.8 or higher, and the license. In the catalog of %SuperMap iPortal_HOME%\bin, you can check the version and configuration information of SuperMap iPortal by using “iportal.bat -v” ("./iportal.sh -v" for Linux/Unix). The possible reasons and solutions are: (1) Use the right license and make sure the license is properly configured. Please refer to Configuring the License. (2) The JRE/JDK version is too low or incompatible. Please download JRE/JDK1.8 or higher and set the environment variables.
20 Sep,2019 iPortalA: Exporting map is requested from the current view scope, and you can set the buffer attribute to the base map. The type is number. When it set to 1, an additional round of tiles can be requested to enhance the user experience. However, when the buffer value is set too large, it causes too many requests, resulting in iServer concurrency pressure. So it is necessary to set the appropriate value according to its own server performance.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: Set the popup.div.style.filter = “” after initializated popup.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: It may be that the image attribute of the vector element is repeatedly defined. And this property needs to be defined in advance and then called.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: This problem is solved in iClient for JavaScript8.0.2 and later version. Please update to the iClient for JavaScript 8.0.2 version and later.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: The maxWeight and minWeight parameters of HeatMapLayer. If you don’t set them, it will draw the heat map according to the maximum and minimum weight of hotpots in the current screen. When dragging the map, the maximum and minimum values will change in the current screen. Then the rendered heat map will change.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: In addition to fill in the necessary attributes, please note that the line data of latter state should contain all nodes of the previous state line data.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: After the instantiation, you can use SuperMap.Format.GeoJSON to call the write method to serialize a feature object, geometry object, feature object array to a GeoJSON string.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: After the instantiation, you can use SuperMap.Format.KML to call the write(features) method to convert the Feature array into a string.
09 Jul,2019 iclient