This symbol is a built-in symbol from symbolic library of iDesktop, in order to display it on the mobile terminals, you should export the symbol in image format first, and then import it into iDesktop.
09 Dec,2019 AndroidiMobileIt isn't supported by current version.
09 Dec,2019 iMobileAndroidIt isn't supported by current version.
09 Dec,2019 AndroidiMobileYou did not create the spatial index for th display data. It is recommended to create the spatial index on SuperMap iDesktop for the related datasets.
09 Dec,2019 AndroidiMobileThe common reason is lack of voice resources. Please copy the voice folder under Resource to the assets folder.
09 Dec,2019 AndroidiMobileCurrent version does not support the display matrix label thematic map. You can display it through creating 5.0 tile caches.
09 Dec,2019 AndroidiMobile1. First, ensure that the data used in sample code and the license were put in the specified place. 2. Check whether the least privilege configures completely. Click the permissions page in the AndroidManifest.xml node, and add the following Uses Permission: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 3. Whether add the paths of the tools and platform-tools folder in android-sdk-windows to the environment variables. 4. When the amount of data used in the SampleCode is large, you should check the SdCard capacity. If the capacity is not big enough, you should extend the SdCard capacity first. 5. Sometimes the SampleCode doesn't run, you can uninstall the sample code first, and run it again.
09 Dec,2019 AndroidiMobileSuperMap iMobile for Android supports 5.0 version caches.
09 Dec,2019 AndroidiMobile1. It supports to open, close, create and save the SuperMap GIS workspace files (*.smwu, *.sxwu,); 2. It supports to open, close, create and save the SuperMap GIS datasource files (*.udb/*.udd); 3. It supports to open and close the SuperMap GIS cache files (*.sci) in the form of file datasource; 4. It supports to open and close the SuperMap GIS image files (*.sit) in the form of file datasource; 5. It supports to open, close, query, modify and delete the SuperMap GIS vector datasets. SuperMap GIS vector datasets include: Point, Line, Region, Tabular, Text and CAD datasets. 6. It supports to open, close and create the SuperMap GIS grid dataset. SuperMap GIS grid dataset belongs to raster dataset type, such as the DEM dataset and the land use map. 7. It supports to open and close the SuperMap GIS image dataset. SuperMap GIS image dataset is used to describe the image data, and it hasn't the property information, such as the image maps (bmp,jpg), multiband images, physical maps and so on. 8. It supports to apply the web map services (WMTS services) of SuperMapCloud, SuperMap iServer, MapWord, BaiduMap, GoogleMaps and OGC.
09 Dec,2019 AndroidiMobileGenerally speaking, the public web map services usually offset after data encryption. Some adopts the special projected coordinate system such as the Google map service. If you want to use this kind of services as the base map, please process these data to be overlaid on the base map firstly. For example, you can encrypt them to get the offset effect based on the base map or convert them to the same projected coordinate system as that of the web map service. The right result will be gotten then.
09 Dec,2019 AndroidiMobileWeb map service is a kind of independence datasource types which can be opened in Workspace to get the corresponding web map service dataset. Then the dataset can be added into a map as a layer.
09 Dec,2019 iMobileAndroidRequesting web map connection is time consuming when the internet is not in a good connection. It is suggested that you perform any map operation after all the interface is loaded successfully. Otherwise the program may not be launched due to overtime.
09 Dec,2019 iMobileIOSNo. You can use cached tiles of 5.0 version to display.
09 Dec,2019 iMobileIOS