A: Check whether there is a required field in the property table of the dataset, but there is no default value. If so, it is suggested to create a new field to store this field. Set it to non-required or the default value, and then delete the old field.
03 Jul,2019 iDesktopA: (1) The driver is not installed, and it can be found under Support in installation directory of running version. (2) The lock service is not started. The lock services are Sentinel Keys Server and Sentinel Protection Server (3) The port is occupied. And what we're actually going to use is 6001, 6002, 7001, 7002 (4) Firewall. Whether the UDP\TCP port has a problem, resulting in the service request blocked. And then you look at the bottom and see what happens.
03 Jul,2019 iDesktopA: After the service started, SuperMap iServer service stores the users and roles information in the directory of [SuperMap iServer_HOME]\webapps\iserver\WEB-INF\shiro.ini.If you forget the initial password of the administratoraccount, the following operations can be taken to reset the administratoraccount: (1) Open file “shiro.ini”, find the administratoraccount in [users], format of which like:= **, admin, system; (2) Delete the administrator account, or delete the entire line of text, save the file; (3) Restart the SuperMap iServerservice, and it will automatically jump to “Create the administrator account” page when access the iServer home page, then you only need to recreate the administratoraccount.
02 Jul,2019 iserverA: This is mainly due to the excessive memory occupied by SuperMap iServer after publishing the network dataset. This usually happens under the 32 bits version of SuperMap iServer. Change the SuperMap iServer into 64 bits version would solve this problem.This is mainly due to the excessive memory occupied by SuperMap iServer after publishing the network dataset. This usually happens under the 32 bits version of SuperMap iServer. Change the SuperMap iServer into 64 bits version would solve this problem.
02 Jul,2019 iserver