A: map.events.on(“zoomend “,callback): monitor the completion event of map zooming. The callback function gets the current scale or zoom level, and then set the layer of hiding and displaying. layer.setVisibility(): the base method. All layer sub-classes inherit this class.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: 1. The contains method of SuperMap.Bounds. 2. The intersects method of part Geometry. 3. Use iServer overlay analysis service. The parameter class uses GeometryOverlayAnalystParameters.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: Because you set point style to the style of region object. It is recommended that the style of region object only set fill and stroke styles.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: May be because the Vector layer is set to the StyleMap (the 4 kinds of features without styles should be set this style) property. But the point style did not set to the pointRadius style. This point will be displayed if you set the pointRadius larger than 0.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: 1. Map.addControl(controls,pixels), description: both can be array, and the array is one to one. SuperMap.Pixel(x,y,mode): x and y is the location of top left pixel relative to map div; mode is the bit string, and you can select upper left, upper right, lower right and lower left; the value is SuperMap.Pixel. Mode.LeftTop and so on. Please refer to the class reference. 2. Modify the css. The visible controls generally have a fixed css class that can be modified to change the styles.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: OMSBuilding can only use the global scope 3857 (Mercator) coordinates base map. The added data should be 4326 (WGS-84) coordinate system.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: In this case, please check whether allow editing when the data service is published. Then check whether the url of the data service is written correctly. The url of the data service needs to be written to the dataset name. You don't need to set the geometry's id when you add features.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: You can use the SuperMap.Control.SelectFeature control, and write the callback function for the right mouse event in the callbacks property: var callbacks={rightclick:function(currentFeature){//todo}};var selectFeature = new SuperMap.Control.SelectFeature(vectorLayer,{callbacks: callbacks}).
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: You can use SuperMap.Util.DistVincenty tool class to income two latitude and longitude coordinates points, calculating the distance of two points on the ellipsoid surface. The unit is km.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: Set the lineColor property of style in SuperMap.REST.ThemeDotDensity.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: Modify the latitude and longitude order in the WFS service published by Arcgis. If it is YX, change it to XY.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: The coordinate projection transformation class SuperMap.Projection provided by JavaScript is used to transform projection on the client. For the custom coordinate system, you need to introduce the Proj4js.js package (../exampless/proj4js/lib/); For example, define the epsg code to 32652 coordinate system: Proj4js.defs[“EPSG:32652”]=”parameter string”; The parameter string is got in the pro4js website http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/[epsg code]/proj4/. After the coordinate system is defined, the ” EPSG:32652” can use it.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: You can use getGeodesicArea and getGeodesicLength methods of the SuperMap.Geometry.Collection which is the parent class of SuperMap.Geometry.Polygon to get the approximate surface area and perimeter.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: The wmts published by iServer 700 or higher will give the resolution in the getCapability file description; the iServer version lower than 700 only have the scale denominator, and you can use SuperMap.Util.getResolutionFromScaleDpi to calculate the resolution.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: 1. Plan 1: add the vectorlayer layer to the cluster layer or client thematic map: map.addLayers [base map, cluster layer/thematic map, vector layer]. 2. Plan 2: when the cluster layer is shared with vector layer, you can add the cluster layer to the selectFeature control, such as SuperMap. Control. SelectFeature ([vectorlayer,clusterLayer],{onSelect:onFeatureSelect}),addLayers(). The layer order is not restricted.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: The running speed of Animatoris determined by setSpeed and setFrameRate; the setSpeed() method can change the play speed, namely, the time interval between the data played each time. It refers to the time jump between user data played twice. The setFrameRate() method can change the frame rate, representing the number of times played per second.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: Yes. The isBaselayer of vectorLayer is false by default. You need to change it to true. You also need to set bounds.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: SuperMap iClient 7C SP1 for JavaScript version provides two sets of control styles: one is “WHITE”, namely, the white style. It only supports Zoom, LayerSwitcher and OverviewMap three controls; another one is “BLUE”, namely, the blue style. The default is white style. If you set the SuperMap.Control.SKIN = “BLUE” before initializing control unit, then you can set the blue style.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: You can add the SuperMap.Control.LayerSwitcher control. You can also set the layer visibility through the layer's setVisibility() method.
09 Jul,2019 iclientA: Call the createCurve() method of SuperMap.Geometry.LineString to draw the curve.
09 Jul,2019 iclient