A: There are possible reasons: (1) If iServer services crash when use large file caches on AIX, because the file cache is beyond the memory size that AIX system allows processes to use. On AIX, the data segment allowed processes to use limits the available memory size. The number of data segment is controlled by LDR CNTRL environment variables. If you set the process data segment number to 8, the memory size is: 8*256MB=2GB export LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x80000000 (2) If it crashes when using a map service, please check whether this machine is installed and started the kingsoft poison anti-virus software. Turning on kingsoft may cause iServer services to crash. (3) The Tomcat 7.0.29 will cause memory leaks, please change to other Tomcat versions, such as Tomcat 7.0.26.
08 Jul,2019 iserverA: In the iServer homepage, select service list>account name>tokens, and you can set the client type, and the token expiration date.
08 Jul,2019 iserverA: Gaia only recognizes the node and does not recognizes the node. The GetCapabilities of WMTS100 interface contains the node corresponding to 3857. So WMTS100 service can not opened in Gaia. To solve this problem, users should customize WMTS interface, and the scale set should be select the scale set corresponding to 4326: GlobalCRS84Scale, GlobalCRSPixel, GooleCRS84Quad and ChinaPublicServices. When the projection of data is 4326, it can select Custom.
08 Jul,2019 iserverA: Modify the time that iServer interacts with the database: in iserver-system.xml, add/modify the node check Datasource Connection Interval (Unit is second, defaults is 30 seconds). Then restart the iServer service.
08 Jul,2019 iserverA: If the CAS authentication server and the GIS server are not on the same machine, because of the time difference between the two machines, sometimes it would result in unsuccessful logon verification. In this case it is required to adjust the time of these two machines to the same, or enlarge the fault tolerance of time difference, of which the default value is 3 minutes in iServer(or iProtal, iExpress). The way to modify the tolerance of time difference is to edit shiro.ini (under WEB-INF) and modify the cas Realm.tolerance parameters as follows(unit is milliseconds); … casRealm.enabled = false casRealm.reserveSystemAccount = true casRealm.casServerUrlPrefix = http://{ip}:{port}/cas casRealm.casService = http://{ip}:{port}/{contextPath}/shiro-cas casRealm.securityInfoDAO = $sqliteRealm casRealm.tolerance = 180000 …
08 Jul,2019 iserverA: (1) See it on the file name of the zip package; (2) Open home page of SuperMap iServer (http://localhost:8090/iserver), you will the version at the bottom of the page.
08 Jul,2019 iserverA: No, it is not necessary. You just need to modify the cached map in the pre-cached list, manually add 2 levels and click OK, then start the task.
08 Jul,2019 iserverA: To find the nearest position, using the method findNearest.
08 Jul,2019 iserverA: SuperMap iServer is deployed in Tomcat, and its initial heap size of Java VM is 256M, which is not enough for some services. To solve the problem, modify the Java VM memory size: open %SuperMap iServer Java_HOME%/bin/catalina.bat, find %_EXECJAVA%, append "-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m"(Set VM initial memory to 1024M), then restart SuperMap iServer.
08 Jul,2019 idesktopA: When Supermap iServer is started as a Windows service, you need to configure the Java properties Diserver.home and -Diserver.output, and -Diserver.home to specify the startup directory of Supermap iServer. Also you need configure -Diserver.output to specify the output location of the cache tiles, which is relative to iserver.home. For example, if you deploy war of SuperMap iServer to Tomcat, and tomcat is running as Windows service, you need to add these two Java VM parameters. To ensure the original configuration file not change, you can set -Diserver.home to the bin directory of Tomcat, and set Diserver.output to webapps\output. E.g. (1) Modify the Java system properties, that is, start \Tomcat 6.0\bin\tomcat6w.exe, go into the Apache Tomcat Properties > Java >Java Options, and add the above two paths, such as "- Diserver.home=D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\bin" and "-Diserver.output=D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps\iserver\output", finally restart Tomcat service. This allows the SuperMap iServer service be published correctly when Tomcat is started as a Windows service.
08 Jul,2019 iserverA: When SuperMap iServer is started in the form of Windows service, in Tomcat for instance, \Tomcat 6.0\webapps\iserver\WEB-INF\config\ log4j.properties file specifies where to place the log file: log 4j . appender.F.File=../logs/iserver.log. Therefore, the logs folder is placed in the parent directory of service startup file (cmd.exe). That is to say, the log file is placed in C:\Windows\logs\. In addition, you can modify the the log4j.properties file, and specify the path as an absolute path, such as log4 j. appender . F . File =D:/Tomcat 6.0/logs/iserver.log.
08 Jul,2019 iserverA: In the configuration file of SuperMap iServer, the default URI where the cached picture access is the {IP} placeholder. And it is replaced automatically by server address when SuperMap iServer is started. If there are two or more network adapters, or there is virtualization software, the server will has multiple IPs. In this case, SuperMap iServer reads one of the IPs, and maybe is not expected. It is recommended that users use fixed IP and port when using custom cache URI.
08 Jul,2019 iserverA: If there are Chinese characters in the url, they must be encoded, e.g., varmapName= encode URI (“WorldMap_day”). An encoded url is varuri = " http :// 192 .168 .115 .68:8 090/ iserver / services/ maps/rest/maps/"+mapName+".json".
08 Jul,2019 iserverA: Upgrade SuperMap iServer to the latest version or configure Traffic network analysis service provider via XML file. Please reference to the help document: Start > Configuration and management > Configuration and managing GIS Services > Configuration for each layer of iServer architecture > Configuration for service provider layer > Configuring service providers through XML file > Configuring transportation analyst provider.
08 Jul,2019 iserverA: You can modify the parameter weightFieldName in TransportationAnalystParameter to the time cost of each route (You need set the map and time cost in the Supermap Desktop)
08 Jul,2019 iserverA: You can use POST request to simulate GET request, just add "_method=GET" to the requesting body.
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: This may be because of wrong URL of map service, or it was unable to connect. Please check whether the source service and URL are correct.
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: You can send the get request, and the request address is as follows: http: //IPaddress:8090 /iserver / manager/serverstatus/requests/statistics.json. Then take the token value and resolve the json result.
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: You can send the GET request through iServer REST API. The request address is: http://supermapiserver:8090/iserver/services/map-world/rest/maps/WorldMap/layers.rjson. The WorldMap is the map name. The sub-Layers is the sub-layer set information. You can refer to iServer help REST API>services>root>maps>map>layers for specific return result structure.
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: Please select Services Manager>Security>Security Configuration to configure in iServer homepage.
04 Jul,2019 iserver