A: When 64 bit SuperMap iServer opens Oracle datasource, it needs to use the 64 bit Oracle client. Please make sure the current system has installed 64 bit Oracle client correctly.
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: When the KML file contains model data, you need to package KML files, model data, and textures together, compressed in zip format. Then change the package extension to *.KMZ format, and publish to SuperMap 3D service.
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: You need to install patch in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 operating system which is deployed MongoDB. The download address is: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2731284https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2731284
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: You can increase the response speed of iServer by changing the log level in iServer built-in tomcat to WARNING (default is FINE). The specific modification method is: Use the text editor to open [iServer installtion directory]/conf/logging.properties fileModify the 1catalina.org.apache.juli.AsyncFileHandler.level = FINE to: 1catalina.org.apache.juli.AsyncFileHandler.level = WARNING
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: Because there is no font in the deployed iServer server system. The solution is: Install the font library used for the label in the system. For example, the installation directory of the font in Linux is %SuperMap iServer_HOME%/support/fonts. Please refer to post-installation configuration.
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: When the iServer service is started, the network dataset and the turn table are checked in the background. It will throw the warning against network data, which does not affect the use of other functions. If you want to use the traffic network analysis, please adjust the network data according to the warning log to ensure the correctness of network analysis function.
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: The SuperMap cloud service data and Tianditu service data are decrypted according to the relevant state regulations, which is inconsistent with the original data.
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: If failed to install the license or the license is unavailable, you can reinstall the driver after uninstalling it through the following methods: (1) Delete the /var/hasplm directory. The command is as follows: cd /var rm -rf hasplm (2) Uninstall the license driver: cd /SuperMapiPortal7C/support/SuperMap_License/Support/aksusbd-2.2.1-i386 ./dunst (3) Reinstall the license driver: ./dinst
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: 1. Open cmd in administrator, and locate to [SuperMap iServer_HOME]\bin. Input the install commands as follows: service.bat install (Notes: when multiple iServer services are started by a single machine, the service NAME in the service. Bat, namely "service NAME", is required to modify the service NAME in the service. When single machine starts multiple iServer services, to avoid the registry impact of the service name, it needs to modify the service.bat service name, that is the "SERVICE_NAME" value, as follows:set SERVICE_NAME=iServer8Cset PR_DISPLAYNAME=SuperMap iServer 8C) 2. Start/Stop service. There are two methods: 1) After registration, you can see SuperMap iServer services in the Windows system service. You can start/stop it manually or set it to auto-start. 2) You can start/stop the service through the sc start/sc stop command, and enter the following command in cmd:sc start iServer8Csc stop iServer8C
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: 1. You can register iServer 8C services through the IS command provided by Tomcat, //IS// string name is the service name, and you can change it. Please locate to [SuperMapiServer_HOME]\bin and input the following command:tomcat8 //IS//iServer8C –DisplayName=”SuperMap iServer 8C” –Install=”【SuperMapiServer_HOME】\bin\tomcat8.exe” –Jvm=auto –StartMode=jvm –StopMode=jvm –StartClass=org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap –StartParams=start –StopClass=org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap –StopParams=stop –Classpath=”【SuperMapiServer_HOME】\bin\bootstrap.jar;【SuperMapiServer_HOME】\bin\tomcat-juli.jar” –Environment path=”%UGO_HOME%\bin;%path%;” 2. Start and Stop services You can start/stop iServer 8C services through the RS/SS commands provided by Tomcat8. Or start the service in a debug mode through the TS command. Locate to [SuperMap iServer_HOME]\bin, and input the following commands:tomcat8 //RS//iServer8Ctomcat8 //SS//iServer8Ctomcat8 //TS//iServer8C
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: SuperMap OGC services support the data coordinate reference system (includes a custom coordinate reference system, plane coordinate system without a projection). It also supports GCS_WGS_1984 (EPSG 4326), and PCS_WGS_1984_WORLD_MERCATOR (EPSG 3857). wms supports to publish data as its own coordinate reference system, GCS_WGS_1984 (EPSG 4326), PCS_WGS_1984_WORLD_MERCATOR (EPSG 3857). wmts supports to publish data as its own coordinate reference system, GCS_WGS_1984 (EPSG 4326), PCS_WGS_1984_WORLD_MERCATOR (EPSG 3857). wfs supports to publish data as its own coordinate reference system. wcs supports to publish data as its own coordinate reference system, GCS_WGS_1984 (EPSG 4326), PCS_WGS_1984_WORLD_MERCATOR (EPSG 3857).
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: 1. The name length can’t be 0 or more than 30 bytes (30 English alphabet or 15 Chinese characters.). 2. The name can only be made up of numbers, letters, Chinese characters and underscores, and names cannot begin with numbers and underscores.3. The field name cannot start with "sm", but the dataset name can start with "sm". "sm" is the reserved keyword for the system default field for the SDB and UDB engines. 4. It can not conflict with the reserved fields of each database, as shown in table 1, the database reserved keywords and table 2, Oracle database reserved keywords. (ps: Please refer to the Help documentation: Start-Appendix-SuperMap dataset reserved fields)
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: iServer uses the asynchronous request function of Servlet 3.0. But in Tomcat6, it uses the Servlet 2.0, and does not contain this function. The solution is to upgrade the Servlet API 2.0 in Tomcat to 3.0.
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: The target path of decompressing iServer is too long. You can decrease the iServer installation hierarchy or shorten the folder name after decompression. For example, you can decompress the compressed product package in the disk root directory.
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: You can conduct the spatial query in iDesktop, and there are some disjoint data. The node tolerance of the region data is too large. Right click the dataset and the Attributes, and you can modify the node tolerance value.
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: More on Windows server, the solution is as follows: 1. Use the built-in Administrator to start iServer 2. The entire iServer folder, subfolders, and files give the Users group full control permissions, and then restart iServer.
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: Maybe the user name and password are the same. The user name and password of iServer administrator cannot be the same.
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: Configure the environment variables for the component and the JRE, such as the JRE and components that are shipped with iServer. For example, use iServer built-in JRE and component: export JRE_HOME=/root/supermap_iserver_8.1.1a_linux64_deploy/support/jre export PATH=JREHOME/bin:PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/root/supermap_iserver_8.1.1a_linux64_deploy/support/objectsjava/bin After the environment variable is available, you can go to support/objectsjava/bin to execute ldd libWrapj.so to check whether the dependencies are complete.
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: cd /etc/init.dsh aksusbd restart
04 Jul,2019 iserverA: 200: Indicates that the server successfully executed the client's HTTP request. 201: Indicates that the server successfully created a new resource on the client's request. The corresponding request type is POST or PUT. 400: Indicates that the request parameter of the client is not valid or not enough information is expressed. 401: Indicates that the resources operation is not completed because of the security reasons. 404: Indicates that the client request resource does not exist, that is, the URI is invalid. 405: Indicates that the resource does not support this operation. 406: Indicates that the resource does not support the expression format requested by the client 500: Indicates that there is unexpected situation on the server side, causing the request not to be completed.
04 Jul,2019 iserver