Q: How do you register iServer as a system service with the Tomcat command?

A: 1. You can register iServer 8C services through the IS command provided by Tomcat, //IS// string name is the service name, and you can change it. Please locate to [SuperMapiServer_HOME]\bin and input the following command:tomcat8 //IS//iServer8C –DisplayName=”SuperMap iServer 8C” –Install=”【SuperMapiServer_HOME】\bin\tomcat8.exe” –Jvm=auto –StartMode=jvm –StopMode=jvm –StartClass=org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap –StartParams=start –StopClass=org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap –StopParams=stop –Classpath=”【SuperMapiServer_HOME】\bin\bootstrap.jar;【SuperMapiServer_HOME】\bin\tomcat-juli.jar” –Environment path=”%UGO_HOME%\bin;%path%;” 

2. Start and Stop services 

You can start/stop iServer 8C services through the RS/SS commands provided by Tomcat8. Or start the service in a debug mode through the TS command. Locate to [SuperMap iServer_HOME]\bin, and input the following commands:tomcat8 //RS//iServer8Ctomcat8 //SS//iServer8Ctomcat8 //TS//iServer8C

04 Jul,2019

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