bool(false) iServer status codes list and description - FAQ - SuperMap

Q: iServer status codes list and description

A: 200: Indicates that the server successfully executed the client's HTTP request. 

201: Indicates that the server successfully created a new resource on the client's request. The corresponding request type is POST or PUT. 

400: Indicates that the request parameter of the client is not valid or not enough information is expressed. 

401: Indicates that the resources operation is not completed because of the security reasons. 

404: Indicates that the client request resource does not exist, that is, the URI is invalid.

405: Indicates that the resource does not support this operation. 

406: Indicates that the resource does not support the expression format requested by the client

500: Indicates that there is unexpected situation on the server side, causing the request not to be completed.

04 Jul,2019

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