Digital Twin Parks—The Epitome of Digital Twin Cities

28 Apr,2022

Introduction: The Digital Twin Park is an important form of the digital twin city. Its system structure and development model are the epitome of the digital twin city within smaller areas. It reflects the model of the main system and development features of digital twin cities and has its uniqueness.

The development and industrialization of technologies such as the Internet of Things, 5G, and deep learning have set off a new wave of digitalization, networking, and intelligence, and have had a profound impact on the planning, construction, and operation of smart cities. In addition, the organic coupling and integrated application of information and communication technology with 3D modeling, high-precision map, GPS, simulation, virtual reality, intelligent control, etc. drive the continuous innovation of smart cities.

The core of digital twin cities is the high-precision, multiple coupling city information modeling. The loading, integration, and fusion of global, full-amount, multi-source data on city information modeling supports the digital model expression and spatial analysis of urban macro, meso and micro scenes, and the recognition of urban rules, and guides the optimization of urban governance. Digital twin cities with city information modeling as the core will contribute to the drastic development of smart cities.

Under the guidance of the pioneering concept of the digital twin city, the concept of the "digital twin park" has also entered the public's view. A digital twin park is an important form of the digital twin city. Its system structure and development model are the epitome of digital twin cities within smaller areas. It reflects the model of the main system and development features of digital twin cities and has its uniqueness.

The significance of geographic information in the construction of the Digital Twin Park

In the era of big data, almost 100% of information is location-related. Living in space, human beings locate themselves and space entities by space position to obtain the relationship between various entities. Space positioning also becomes the carrier of information. Therefore, geographic information has become the indispensable infrastructure of a smart city, and it is also one of the most important components.

Geographic information provides location-based information services for government agencies, all walks of life, and citizens with unique space-time characteristics. Based on location and time, geographic information integrates, fuses, and associates all information resources in the whole city, providing information support for data mining, knowledge reasoning and knowledge discovery.

As the carrier of multi-source data, the geographic information system (such as SuperMap GIS) integrates GIS data, BIM data, point cloud data and pipeline data at each stage of park planning, construction and operation management, forming the space-time total-factor integration twin park and becoming the visual window of the physical park.

In park planning, a digital control platform for the whole process and all elements is built to strengthen the management of the engineering construction process, to ensure the construction and engineering acceptance for examination and approval of front-end and back-end process seamlessly, to support data statistics, online monitoring, remote control, emergency schedule and real-time warning.

In park construction, the construction site can be viewed, managed and controlled in the digital park by using IoT sensing data, and the new data generated in the construction phase is injected into the digital park model.

In park operation and management, mobile communication data, Internet data, social media data, smart card swiping data, industry service data, navigation and positioning data, IoT sensing data, etc. are carried to form a digital twin city of the interaction of virtuality and reality.

Digital twin park construction framework

The digital twin park, based on intelligent infrastructures, promoted based on SuperMap Big data GIS, AI GIS, the new generation of 3D GIS, distributed GIS and cross-platform GIS technologies, builds a twin information model to bring smart applications to aboveground, ground, underground to serve the planning, construction, maintenance and smart decision-making of the park.

• Intelligent infrastructure

Apart from facilities such as RFID, sensors, smart hardware, unmanned vehicles, personal smartphones and social media are also data sources of digital twin parks. Multiple data sources are conducive to forming large-scale intelligent perception and rendering digital twin cities visible and controllable.

The digital twin park integrates new information technologies to obtain space, air and ground information to build a comprehensive information network to support cloud service environment.

• Digital Twin Park Model

Digital twin technology is to digitalize people, objects and events in the physical world and create a corresponding virtual world. The two worlds are blending and co-existent. Digitalization technology is utilized to create virtual models for physical objects to simulate acts in the real environment.

The digital twin park model uses GIS data, BIM data and other 2D and 3D data to build a digital park corresponding to the physical park in the digital space. In the macro scene supported by GIS and oblique photography data, the BIM model is loaded to achieve the gradual fining of parks within the park. At the same time, various new big data information with location is continuously injected to dynamically monitor, diagnose in real time and predict the state of the physical park, to achieve the interaction and parallel operation of the physical park and digital park system.

• Smart application

Based on the twin park model, all kinds of thematic data and intelligent sensing data are carried to implement the whole process management of physical park planning, construction, maintenance and operation, and achieve the integrated application of underground corridor pipelines, surface roads, above-ground buildings and airfield data.

Beijing Municipal Administrative Center Smart Construction Regulation Platform uses BIM, GIS, Internet of Things, big data, intelligence, mobile communication, ERP and other key technologies to integrate BIM model data, spatial data and structured data to build a unified smart construction platform of BIM+ERP, integrating and developing project management, video management, Internet of Things platform, big data platform and labor-management modules. It supports fine management of construction projects and all-around monitoring and intelligent management of implementation site environment, safety, quality, progress, etc.

Beijing E-City Smart Park Project takes geospatial as a link organically combines the "plot-building-enterprise-enterprise operation status" of the park, establishes a business analysis model, provides industrial-economic query, statistics, and analysis services, effectively supports the whole process of planning, construction, management and service of the park, lays a solid foundation for the construction and application of "Smart E-City", and then assists the park in attracting investment and optimizing the industrial structure.

Desired effects

After the completion of the digital twin park, the physical park and the digital twin coexist, and through the deployment of sensors at all levels, such as space, air and ground, comprehensive digital modeling of roads, manhole covers, light covers, buildings and other infrastructure is implemented, forming an accurate information expression and mapping of the virtual city to the physical city in the information dimension, and simulating the behavior of people, events and things in the park in the real environment utilizing software, and intelligently perceiving the operation status of the park from a future perspective, so that the experience of managers and business operators is full of surprises.

1. ONE blueprint supports the whole life cycle of "planning, construction, management and operation" in the digital twin park.

2. CENTRALIZED governance for the park. The digital twin park shows the whole picture of the park in real time, accurately monitors, actively manages, efficiently handles and intelligently decides on the park operation, and carries out cross-level, cross-system, cross-department and cross-business park governance.

3. UPGRADE the personalized service experience. All the service scenes in the park have corresponding virtual scene mapping, and the service has been transformed from physical to digital. The digital twin park comprehensively collects the daily flow and work trajectory of park personnel, evaluates the impact of enterprises, provides fast-responding personalized services, and forms a digital twin service system with great influence and reshaping power.

Author: Xu Fang, SuperMap Application Business Group 

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