Q: What data types does the SuperMap iMobile for Android support?

1. It supports to open, close, create and save the SuperMap GIS workspace files (*.smwu, *.sxwu,);

2. It supports to open, close, create and save the SuperMap GIS datasource files (*.udb/*.udd);

3. It supports to open and close the SuperMap GIS cache files (*.sci) in the form of file datasource;

4. It supports to open and close the SuperMap GIS image files (*.sit) in the form of file datasource;

5. It supports to open, close, query, modify and delete the SuperMap GIS vector datasets. SuperMap GIS vector datasets include: Point, Line, Region, Tabular, Text and CAD datasets.

6. It supports to open, close and create the SuperMap GIS grid dataset. SuperMap GIS grid dataset belongs to raster dataset type, such as the DEM dataset and the land use map.

7. It supports to open and close the SuperMap GIS image dataset. SuperMap GIS image dataset is used to describe the image data, and it hasn't the property information, such as the image maps (bmp,jpg), multiband images, physical maps and so on.

8. It supports to apply the web map services (WMTS services) of SuperMapCloud, SuperMap iServer, MapWord, BaiduMap, GoogleMaps and OGC.

09 Dec,2019

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