
The cloud GIS web client development platform is based on the modern Web technology. It is the unified Javascript client for the SuperMap cloud GIS and online GIS platform products.


Integrates the commonly used maps and chart libraries

  • Map development library supports: Leaflet, OpenLayers, MapboxGL-JS, iClient Classic.
  • Chart development library supports: ECharts, D3, MapV, DECK.GL.
  • Supports component-based development under the Vue/React framework, including: map components, rich geographic visualization components, chart components, and basic GIS components, etc.
  • The architecture design adopts the MVVM pattern (Model-ViewViewModel), and is compatible with other frameworks, such as Angular and native H5 development.
  • The component has more than 100 themes, and the theme style of all components can be switched with one click.

Big data visualization

  • Provides unified API and visualization for distributed analysis service and data flow of SuperMap iServer.
  • Supports various temporal and static visualization effects: scatter plots, thermograms, honeycomb plots, trajectory plots, O-D plots, flow diagrams, 3D architectural drawings, wind maps, etc.

Vector tiles

  • Supports MVT and standard coordinate systems like Web Mercator, WGS84, CGCS2000 and local coordinate system.
  • Supports interactive and style configuration, including query, selection, highlight, etc.

Client computing

  • Integrates turf.js, and supports client computing like geospatial, topology, equivalence, measurement, etc.
  • Client can achieve high performance analysis and calculation without interaction with server.


It is a 3D client development platform based on WebGL technology, which can be used to build 3D GIS applications with plug-ins free, cross-operating systems and cross-browser.


Full data

  • Supports loading multi-source and heterogeneous data such as images, terrain, manual modeling, real scene 3D, point cloud, BIM, 3D point/line/polygon, etc.
  • Provides dynamic layers to support the drawing and dynamic display of spatial real-time big data.
  • Supports loading various image services such as Sky Map, Bing Maps, SuperMap online map, etc.
  • Provides vector tile layers, supports MVT vector tile data.
  • Supports efficient visualization of voxel grids.

Full functions

  • Supports terrain excavation and modification.
  • Supports terrain slope and aspect analysis, contour analysis, inundation analysis, etc.
  • Supports 3D geospatial analysis and analysis result output: through-view analysis, visual field analysis, skyline analysis, sunshine analysis, profile analysis, openness analysis, etc.
  • Supports 3D spatial query based on GPU.
  • Supports Boolean operation of 3D volume.
  • Supports 3D spatial relationship determination.
  • Supports distance, height, and area calculation.
  • Supports plane cutting, area cutting, cube box cutting, etc.
  • Supports the drawing and node editing of geometric objects such as points, lines, polygons, and bodies.
  • Supports real-time sectioning, real-time cutting and real-time excavation of geological bodies, and supports real-time expression of geological bodies through explosion and exaggeration.
  • Supports split-screen display.
  • Supports displaying video files and RTSP live video streams to the model surface or the earth's surface.
  • Supports online drawing and real-time editing of models.
  • Supports vector object selection and attribute query, and supports setting color and visibility according to attribute field value.


  • Supports for more realistic physical materials.
  • Supports standard PBR materials exported by game engines, and copying 3D scenes beautified by game engines.
  • Supports for stronger particle systems.
  • Supports light and shadow effects such as physically based atmospheric scattering (PBDS), ambient light map maps (IBL), shadows, etc.
  • Improves the effect of simulating rainy and snowy days.
  • Supports post-processing effects like ambient light occlusion, MSAA, depth of field effects, screen space reflections, etc.

Low code development

  • Supports Vue2.0/3.0 components.


It is a 3D GIS network client development platform based on WebGL technology and Cesium open source framework. It can be used to build 3D GIS applications without plug-ins, cross operating systems, and cross browsers.


Full functions

  • Improves the view fusion function, and enhances the display effect of the real 3D model based on aerial photos.
  • Supports overlaying multiple map services on oblique photographic models.
  • Improves inundation analysis, considering terrain connectivity, and also supports water reflection effects.
  • New model explosion effect of S3M layer.
  • Supports wet and slippery roads effect in rainy days and snow effects in snowy days of S3M layer.
  • New dynamic stretching effect of the model in S3M layer, which can also be dynamically stretched according to the camera distance.
  • Supports the direct loading of data in 3D model formats such as .x and .dae based on WebAssembly technology, which realizes rapid comparison and selection of planning schemes.
  • Supports loading standard PBR material collection files and material map files exported by game engines in batches and applying them to S3M layers.
  • Supports the extraction effect of surface and geological layers after surface excavation.
  • Image layer supports polygon clipping.

Low code development

  • Supports Vue2.0/3.0 component.

Plug-in development

  • New Cesium plugin supports the creation and use of S3M layers in open source Cesium.


Technical Docs
Training Files