SuperMap GIS Technologies, Inc. Made a Reseller Agreement of QuickBird 61 Centimeter Highest-Resolution Remote Sensing Satellite Imagery with Hitachi

12 Dec,2002 China

After “QuickBird-2 High Resolution Remote Sensing Satellite Image Introduction i.e. Application & Demand Seminar” held both by DigitalGlobe in America and Hitachi Software in Japan on April 12 of 2002, Masayuki Yamada, the executive director of International Development Department of Hitachi Software, and Akio Aimonoya, the manager of Asia-Pacific Area International Development Department of Hitachi Software, came to Beijing to make the reseller agreement of QuickBird Satellite imagery with SuperMap GIS Technologies, Inc. on April 22.

EarthWatch/DigitalGlobe is a commercial remote sensing satellite imagery company invested by several investors together including Hitachi Software. Hitachi Group as one of the shareholders is exclusively responsible for the sales and distribution in Asia area.

QuickBird high-resolution commercial remote sensing satellite has remarkable advantages in the areas of spatial resolution (61 centimeter), multi-spectral image (one panchromatic band, four multi-spectral bands), largest image swath collection size of 16.5-km (10.3 mi) width at nadir, as well as imaging angle degree, and it can meet the specific need of remote sensing users and provide the best and much faster remote sensing information resources services for its customers.


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