SuperMap Delegates Visited Cambodian Farmland

27 Jun,2014 Cambodia

SuperMap had been invited to undertake a field survey in Cambodian rural areas from 17 to 19 June for the project of “Application of Mobile Internet Technology for Agricultural Information Dissemination in Cambodia”. The project is funded by UK government and SuperMap associates with the project partners, FECC MOA China, Business School of University of Bedfordshire, UK, and Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI).

During the field visits, SuperMap had meet several groups of local farmers, learned their requirements and discussed with them on the benefits of applying mobile internet technology to farming activities.  Ms Evelyn, the SuperMap delegate, also demonstrated some mobile applications for agriculture in China and the groups of Cambodian farmers were greatly impressed and showed much interest in these demonstrations. They strongly expect that the project will eventually bring benefits to their current farming activities, helping increase their incomes and productivities. 

Fig. 1 Ms Evelyn Is Demonstrating the Mobile Applications to Farmers

Fig.2   Farmers Are Fulfilling the Questionnaires with the Cambodian Agricultural Officers

Fig.3 The Delegates Visited Farmland of Rice

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