bool(false) SuperMap Product Showcase in India Attracted Local Government Officials and Researchers - SuperMap

SuperMap Product Showcase in India Attracted Local Government Officials and Researchers

22 Jan,2013 India

SuperMap's desktop suites and iServer Java were showcased at a seminar held by SuperMap's partner company Jiya Infotech in India. It is the first time SuperMap's iServer Java being introduced to the Indian market, and the product received positive feedbacks from participants.

The seminar was held in Patna, India at Hotel Chanakya on December 20th, 2012. It attracted attendees from various backgrounds including government officials, industry experts, and professionals from academia and research institutions. Attendees showed high interest in the newly introduced iServer Java, hoping it would provide solutions for meeting their unique demands.

As the newest product added to SuperMap product line, SuperMap iServer Java 6R supports web GIS applications and provides web GIS capabilities in the form of services to meet various demands from both governments and business.

SuperMap's Products presented by our Indian partner Jiya Infotech in Patna, India

SuperMap's service product iServer Java is introduced to the Indian market for the first time

Around 60 people from various backgrounds attends the seminar


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