bool(false) Breaking through 10,000 Users of SuperMap Viewer in Japan - SuperMap

Breaking through 10,000 Users of SuperMap Viewer in Japan

26 Sep,2007 Japan

Since its first release of freeware SuperMap Viewer available on SuperMap Japan official site in February 2005, there has been over 10,000 users to have download this software.

As the professional GIS software for spatial data processing and aerial photos, SuperMap Viewer is well suited for surveying and mapping, remote sensing, satellite navigation and many other fields, attracting GIS professionals from governments, institutes, industries and university students to share this opportunity. SuperMap Viewer is applicable in data browsing, map editing, atlas integrating in rich formats and thematic map creating. The software has a high performance in data source connection and management; it can share, browse and disseminate various spatial information.

SuperMap GIS, a comprehensive GIS product family, is to release its latest SuperMap 2008 Edition, which is capable of fast handling of spatial information as well as support of latest file types. It is expected that new version of SuperMap Viewer will be available soon and a genuine edition campaign will also be launched to promote GIS industry.


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