Eight Challenges in BIM+GIS Applications - Two

21 May,2019

The integration of BIM and GIS enables the exchange and interoperability of BIM information in the micro-domain and the GIS information in the macro-domain, deepens the BIM applications and extends the application of BIM from a single object to buildings or even cities. The BIM+GIS brings both opportunities and challenges for GIS industry. The following contents will continue to analyze the last 4 challenges in BIM+GIS applications and the countermeasures. For the first 4 challenges please refer to article “Eight Challenges in BIM (1)” with the link below: https://www.supermap.com/en/html/SuperMap_GIS_news526.html

Challenge Five: Conversion of 3D Data Conversion

Usually, BIM adopts independent coordinate system, while GIS data has different coordinate systems as there are various sources and collection methods. The basic ability of GIS is coordinate conversion. The conversion of point, line and polygon is very mature, but it is still a challenge to apply the coordinate conversion to the 3D model data.

SuperMap supports per-vertex coordinate conversion of 3D model and the conversion of BIM model and GIS data between planar and geographic coordinate systems. Thus, it can realize the accurate matching of BIM model and GIS data under earth curvature, avoid cracks and leaks in rendering and meet the needs of data accuracy in construction, operation and management of many industries of bridges, roads, dams, etc.

BIM Model in Local Coordinate System converts to BIM Model in Geographic Coordinate System

Challenge Six: BIM and Multi-source Data Integration

A very important feature of GIS is the integration of massive multi-source data, such as terrain image, oblique photogrammetry model, point cloud, fine model, water surface, underground pipelines, field data, etc. But how to bring out the fusion and matching of BIM and multi-source data so as to improve the value of data is another challenge to the application of BIM+GIS.

The first step for the integration is to unify BIM model and multi-source data in to one coordinate system through the way of coordinate transformation and data registration, and then to process the data in the way of mosaic, pressing or trimming, so as to make the data with smooth convergence and natural texture stitching.

Integration of BIM Model and Multi-source Data

Challenge Seven: Lack of 3D Spatial Data Standards

Efficient publishing, data sharing and data standards of 3D spatial data are the hotspots in the application of 3D GIS. BIM + GIS has been used more and more widely. However, the lack of unified standards for 3D spatial data and the difficulties in interoperability and public sharing of 3D spatial data restrict the further application of BIM + GIS.

Nowadays, many data standards and formats have been introduced at home and abroad, such as S3M, I3S, 3D Tiles and so on, which promote the standardization and the public sharing of 3D data.

The S3M (Spatial 3D Model) standard of SuperMap is suitable for data transmission, exchange and high performance visualization of massive multi-source 3D spatial data in on-line and off-line environment. It can publish and share massive BIM and GIS data under B/S and supports the applications on PCs, Browsers and Mobiles.

Challenge Eight: Multi-terminal Support for BIM+GIS Application

With the rapid development of IT technology, it deeply affects the development of BIM and GIS. Among them, new IT technologies such as VR/AR and WebGL have empowered the BIM+GIS application. In order to make the integrated application of these new IT technologies with BIM and GIS, it is necessary to support BIM + GIS applications with multiple terminals.

SuperMap produced a lightweight 3D client based on HTML5 WebGL technology, which enables efficient browsing of 3D services on browsers without installing software, plug-ins or downloading data. It supports 3D spatial query, measurement and spatial analysis though open source S3M standard. SuperMap combines AR with BIM and GIS, and puts digital BIM into any scene on the mobile platform of GIS. For example, in the construction site, the problems can be found and corrected in time when comparing the design scheme with the actual construction site.


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