As a hydrological province, Hunan has very complicated distribution of rivers and has multiple areas with flood. In the 21st century, flood is still a major problem in Hunan. Because of these, Hunan Hydrological Survey have met unprecedented challenges.
In order to full angel display the results of Hunan hydrological situation, fulfilling the needs of user querying, results sharing and using from different layers, Hunan Hydrological Mapping Bureau, along with SuperMap Information, initiated Hunan hydrological survey application project.
The project is with core of Hunan hydrological survey spatial information development application, realizing hydrological spatial data and function sharing services and hydrological spatial data service demonstration, spatial information resource and user application management, real-time hydrological business data accessing, hydrological data updating, etc. Through this platform, the spatial information sharing has been realized.
Rich Map query function
The query method system includes attribute query, spatial query, link query, watershed query. Watershed query is to use one button query in the watershed, quickly acquiring all the hydrological status and detail, providing strong support for river analysis.
Watershed Query
Full Angle Statistics Analysis
Multi-dimension statistics analysis from administrative, watershed, water resource, etc.
Statistics Analysis
Data and Service Management
Data update management platform can realize data updating, data publishing, data analysis, data contents checking and results uploading, etc. allowing user check the accuracy of data through browser.
Online spatial data management allows spatial data checking through strict checking process. Using unified GIS service request, system or application use authorization code to recall service and track log, providing more information for maintenance staff.
Service Management
2D & 3D Integration
Basing on SuperMap 2D & 3D integration technology, the platform displays the complicacy of hydrologic project and adds water situation, rain analysis, dynamic monitoring, displaying water, speed, volume in different colors. The platform supports generating water level chart, process line in designated area, type, station, time, etc. providing objective analysis and right processing solution.
3D Project Demo
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