About Smart Liuzhou Spatio-temporal Cloud Platform

31 Jan,2018

Smart Liuzhou spatio-temporal information cloud platform is built on digital Liuzhou geo-space structure.

Based on completed geo-information data, service standards and machenism, the platform is built to provide geo-information service to government, enterprises and the public, and support Smart Liuzhou construction with the geo-information spatio-temporal cloud.
Launched in April 2016, the program was put online for test run in April 2017, and passed the acceptance in September.

The program is consist of one specification, one database (spatio-temporal information database), two platforms (spatio-temporal information platform, ‘MAP WORLD · LIUZHOU’ platform) and two district level nodes.

The accomplishments
Integrated the basic terrain data of Liuzhou from 2004 till now;

Published high resolution imagery data (2003 - 2017);

Expended the new type surveying products data: real 3D, oblique photography model, BIM etc.

Integrated 540 types of thematic data and data of Internet of Things;

Mapped the integrated spatio-temporal big data of ground & underground, indoor & outdoor, static & dynamic, 2D & 3D and previous & current. 

The program has built an integrated spatio-temporal information cloud platform that including spatio-temporal data management, resources merging and sharing, thematic application development and operation & maintenance management service, which supports 25 departments and 45 relevant application system.

'Map World· Liuzhou’ is also built on the program, and provides services such as, public online mapping, enterprise online store management, school district query and neighborhood medication etc. to the public.

The platform is built on the basis of Liuzhou digital administration outer net, and compiles 25 departments and 540 thematic data resources in terms of land, planing, D&R and enforcement.

Hence, it has built up Liuzhou geo-information digital administrative catalog and provide services to government, the public and enterprise through platform API.

The highlights

1. Space-Air-Ground data collection and update ensuring system

Liuzhou integrated many means of data collection and dynamic update in data acquisition :

Outer space: collecting updated imagery data via satellite annually;

In the air: using flights or drones to collect and update the imagery and oblique photography data of major program and geographical disaster area.

Overground: surveying and updating base terrain changing area annually.

Underground: integrating underground pipelines to ensure the data is up-to-date and accurate and to contribute to the construction of Space- Air-Ground data collection and update system.

2. Build, integrate and push

The geographical entities that included in the program are administrative divisions, rivers, roads, greenbelts, railway, courtyards and architectures.

In the program, the geographical entities and business thematic data will be integrated as construction model that features with universal organization, synchronous update and collaborative service with the connection of universal entity code and business thematic data. This helps further realize the value of basic geo-information application, and effectively push the widely resources sharing of the administrative information.

3. Creative cloud service model, wider application scales

IaaS, that is constructed on the basis of citywide universal digital administrative service platform;

PaaS equipped with geo-information service bus technology, merging with multi-source data and various application services, plays a role of registration, management, discovery and application in the model. Besides that, it provides services in a API manner, which makes it easier to reach the spatio-temporal information resources and decreases the construction costs;

With the aid of SaaS, the operation unit can reach the spatio-temporal thematic data management through data cloud hosting service and customize business application system through application cloud hosting service.

The cloud service mode saves the capital input for the governments and widen the application scale for the governments, enterprises and public at the same time.

4. Spatio-temporal big data analytical index system

The spatio-temporal big data analytical index system covers the fields of urban planning, construction, management and operation service. And has formed 13 spatio-temporal analytical indexes including: social economy, administrative devision, urban construction, land management, community management, population management, ecology and environment and basic geography.

By connecting the indexes to entity data, the characteristics of urban can be analyzed in aspects of macroscopic and microscopic scale, which will technically provide reference for urban development.

5. Integrated operation and maintenance mode

Sticking to the principle of ‘platform supports application, application completes platform in return’, the Smart Liuzhou program provides to governments, enterprises and the publics with resourceful and convenient spacetime information service.

To reach the purpose of application’s high-performance on the platform, the program is department needs - oriented and targets on building industrial application ecology.

Using agile development model, the program can make prompt response to the needs during the producing process, and play an important role in smart industrial application ecosphere that centers on Smart Liuzhou spatio-temporal information cloud platform.

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