Cloud & Terminal Integration GIS Portal

31 Oct,2017

As an entrance for GIS resource accessing and management, SuperMap iPortal 9D provides various practical features for various users. Through multiple embedded web applications like data insights, scene viewing, online mapping, application creating, etc. to provide direct use data visualization analysis, plugin free 3D scene viewing, online thematic mapping creating, module application. Dashboard allows administrators know the portal status, change and using status. SuperMap iPortal also has viewer mode, letting users view without the user license, lowering the product costs.

Highlight 1:  data insights, digging stories behind geographic data

With SuperMap iDataInsights, an extension of SuperMap iPortal 9D, you can see the value information in the complicated Excel sheets. SuperMap iDataInsights allows dynamic visualization, interaction chart analysis and spatial analysis on multi-source spatial data.

Highlight 2: Plugin free to view 3D scene

SuperMap3D for WebGL is supported in SuperMap iPortal 9D. So you don’t need any plugins, you can view any 3D scenes in the portal and it supports multiple browsers like IE11(Edge), Chrome, FireFox, also it supports viewing on mobile terminals, letting you experience rich 3D effects.

Highlight 3: Thematic mapIt only needs 3 steps to make a thematic map. 

The brand-new online mapping APP provides unique value map, ranges map, heat map, etc. And it only needs 3 steps, uploading Excel, CSV or GeoJSON, thematic map configuration, thematic map generating. The map can be shared on other 3rd-party platforms for future editing and using.

Highlight 4: Detailed role authorization
SuperMap iPortal 9D has viewer role in PORTAL_VIEWER, the associated viewers can view and use all the resources in the platform without occupying the user license of SuperMap iPortal.

Highlight 5: Brand new dashboard system monitor

Which services are visited most frequently? Which organizations are visiting? How is access status? These information will be shown in graphic, sheet, numbers, etc., letting administrators know the user status, platform status, etc.

Besides the 5 major highlights, SuperMap iPortal 9D also has the improvements and enhancements on distribution storage, data sharing, catalog management, etc. As one major product of SuperMap cloud GIS, SuperMap iPortal will help constructing cloud & terminal integration portal sites.

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