Plateau agriculture is a long-term strategy for Yunnan development. In order to improve the agricultural meteorological services, enhancing meteorological services on plateau agriculture, fully using meteorological departments on plateau agricultural, Yunnan meteorology bureau along with SuperMap Group to construct plateau comprehensive service platform.
Results: A set comprehensive analysis system
The platform was developed based on SuperMap GIS software, with urgent needs from Yunnan plateau agricultural development, setting a comprehensive analysis system with multi-standard, multi-scale, multi-kind, agricultural meteorology element, disaster monitoring, prediction, evaluation, alarming, risk analysis. The system is deployed on Yunnan meteorological center to improve the agricultural weather forecast ability and advance the modernization and socialization of agricultural services.
Advanced: Cloud GIS for Graphic Data Processing
The program is acquires SOA architecture, the client can have multiple forms including desktop, webpage, APP, having advantages of C/S, B/S and App/Server, etc. For the applications need to deal with massive spatio-temporal data, data rendering ability of cloud GIS can online map and display of various spatio-temporal data. The human and machine interaction construction optimizes the workflow of Yunnan agriculture, making solid foundation for the detailed agricultural products.
Standardization: Unified data source, project management
The platform uses ETL data extraction to realize multi-source meteorology and agriculture data storage, providing data access interface based on web service, making the platform data unified; effective online GIS rendering technology to make the automatic production displaying. In addition, the project complies the standard during all the periods.
The platform constructs effective human and machine interaction platform, with powerful MeteoGIS as base, effectively simplified the workflow process of agricultural Meteorological and service production, lowering the work amount of staff.
Yunnan plateau agriculture meteorological platform provides informatization development concept and method, applying cloud computing, big data, mobile internet, IoT technologies, improving the agricultural meteorology, fulfilling the needs of different departments and clients, bringing better meteorology services for Yunnan agriculture development.
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