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Land to Control Tax

15 Jun,2017

In May, 2013, Ministry of Land and Resources and State Administration of Taxation issued ‘land to control tax pilot program’, under the guidance of the state administration of taxation and land resource department, different cities started pilot work of ‘land to control tax’. After 3 years of efforts, tax has increased and tax source has been controllable.
However, in the process of the solution, there are multiple challenges. GTMAP, subsidiary company of SuperMap hosted 'land to control tax' in 8 provinces and 36 districts in China, advancing 'land to control tax' solution, tackling the challenges of the 'land to control tax'.

Challenge 1: Poor data quality on land resource data

Land data, as an important reference data for the construction of 'land to control tax', provides important reference for tax spatial displaying, risk generation, tax management. However, due to different processes of informatization in each city, there are differences in completeness, accuracy, effectiveness, which influences the process and success of 'land to control tax'.

For the incompleteness or data loss of land resource data, the solution provides full- angle service, from land checking to data inputting, to ensure the completeness and accuracy of land resource data.

For the basic geographic data loss or incompleteness, the solution uses the features of full labeling, spatial information completeness and high efficiency of internet map to amend the incompletes of basic geographic data. 

The land resource data is updated every day, the current mode providing data at fixed time cannot meet the requirement of the management of 'land to control tax'. In order to solve this problem, the solution provides the land resource interface according to the situations of different places and using special line to connect land resource data to ensure the effectiveness of update of land resources.

Challenge 2: Low land resource matching percentage

In the traditional land resource tax source informatization, there are source differences, business rule, data quality, there is a low data matching percentage. In order to solve the problem, tax source spatial information has been introduced, which is to give spatial location for tax source, through spatial location to realize the matching of tax source information and land parcel, improving the matching of tax source. Meanwhile, for the tax source management, it is easier and more straight-forward.

Challenge 3: Hard to control the illegal construction sites

In the process of checking of tax source, the illegal construction sites will be found, like usage area is larger than sold area. Currently the tax department lacks effective tool to report the illegal usage of land.
Land to control tax information management system will automatically generate the uncertain part of the area, tax personnel can export the uncertainties and send the possible illegal construction sites informatization to land resource department.

Meanwhile, the RS image also provides checking function to determine if there is illegal construction site out of the parcel area, providing reference information and technology. The system will identify this tax source and regular source, sending the information to land resource department to determine if it is an illegal construction site.

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