Meteorological Information 3D Display and Analysis System

11 Aug,2016

SuperMap has developed meteorological information 3D display and analysis system based on SuperMap GIS platform technology and 2D & 3D integration technology, which can comprehensively analyze multiple meteorological information. The system can not only apply for fy-2 satellite and National Doppler Weather Radar Network, realizing real-time update of satellite cloud image and radar mosaic, but also can directly display through 3D earth, quickly displaying the real atmosphere and releases weather alert information, which provides scientific foundation for the daily trip.

Global Display on High-definition Image Data

Meteorological information system supports global detailed 3D terrain, high-resolution remote sensing image, 2D map overlay display and city detailed model loading, it supports quick wandering, rotation, scaling of data. The system provides 150-meter resolution remote sensing data, 90-meter DEM data and China 1: 4,000,000 digital map. User can customize higher resolution terrain and remote sensing data.

Meteorological Station Modeling

Meteorological information system supports 3D displaying and 3D modeling of all kinds of meteorological station, radars and observatories, which includes weather radar network, upper air scoping, GPS water and gas network, automatic meteorological station, thunder detection network, soil moisture content network, wind energy detection network, etc.

Quick Access to Real-time Weather Condition

Meteorological information system supports accessing real-time weather data, dynamically displaying weather information like rainfall, temperature, wind power and wind direction.

Instant Alarming on Disasters

Meteorological information system supports 3D displaying on disasters like high-temperature, rainstorm, sand storm, haze, etc.

Visible on Weather Forecast

Meteorological information system can display the dynamic weather forecast on all the administrative levels, supporting dynamically accessing weather forecast data like temperature, wind power, wind energy, rainfall, etc.

Change on Satellite Cloud Image

Meteorological information system is linked to fy-2 meteorological satellite, updating every 15 minutes, vividly displaying the change of satellite.

Dynamic Radar Playing

Meteorological information system is linked to National Doppler Weather Radar Network, updating approximately every 10 minutes.

3D Rendering on Mode Data

Meteorological information system supports displaying methods like 3D rendering, isoline, contour plane of typhoon mode data, radar data, NetCDF data.

Vivid Simulation on Weather Phenomenon

Meteorological information system supports 3D simulation of weather conditions like cloud, rain, fog, vividly simulates the weather phenomena.

Animation of Typhoon

Meteorological information system supports animation of typhoon landing, path prediction, influenced are, etc., vividly display the path of typhoon.

Disaster Evaluation and Emergency Commanding

Meteorological information system supports simulation on disaster weather development, combing terrain to evaluate the social and economic impact like influenced area of disaster: According to the disaster scene, human draws evacuation path, providing foundations for on-site or remote decision making.

Multi-point Touch Interaction Experience

Meteorological information system supports single point, multi-point touch operations. You can get to the area you care by moving your finger, freely viewing all the data.

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Tags:3D GIS

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