Q: How to migrate SuperMap iServer MongoDB distributed tile caches?

A: For example: Migrate the cache tiles in mongodb server1 (D:\mongodb1) to mongodb server2 (D:\mongodb2); 
1. Start the server1 (the port is 27010); 
mongod.exe -dbpath D:\mongodb1\data\db -port 27010 
2. Then open a cmd window, and switch to the bin directory of server1. Export the smtiles data in server1 to BSON files;
mongodump.exe -host localhost -port 27010 -d smtiles -o D:\output 
the “smtiles” is the specified database name. The default database name of iserver distributed tiles is smtiles 
“D:\output” the specified exported directory. 
3. View the exported files. Copy the data files to the server2 that can be accessed or has permission. 
4. Start the server2 (the port is 27015); 
mongod.exe -dbpath D:\mongodb2\data\db -port 27015 
5. Import the BSON corresponding to above smtiles database to server2 
mongorestore.exe -host localhost -port 27015 -d smtiles D:\output\smtiles 
“smtiles” the specified database name 
“D:\output\smtiles” the location of the storage file.

04 Jul,2019

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