Q: Why original authorization info is invalid if you modify the service instance name through service configuration file?

A: After modifying the service instance name through service configuration file, the service instance will be regarded as a new service by the system. By, default, all users can access this new service. Administrator can reauthorize the new service instance in the WebManager and delete the authorization information of original service in shiro.ini (WEB-INF) manually. Or you can modify the shiro.ini, updating the original service instance name to a new name.

The method is: find the [instances] node. Update the service instance name and it corresponds to the authorization role. The format is:

= PRIVATE,role1,role2

If you need to rename the service instance and reserve the authorization info, it is recommended to modify through WebManager. The system will update the service instance to match the original authorization role.

04 Jul,2019

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