Do You Know about Cancer? Let’s See the Global Cancer Statistics in 2020

17 Jun,2021

Only by understanding cancer can we better prevent cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of World Health Organization (WHO) released the latest global cancer burden data of 2020, recording and estimating the latest incidence and mortality of 36 types of cancer in 185 countries and regions, as well as future development trends. Data showed that in 2020, 19.29 million new cancer cases worldwide were recorded, of which 10.06 million were males and 9.23 million were females, while in 2020, 9.96 million cancer death cases worldwide were recorded, of which 5.53 million were males and 4.43 million were females.

Incidence and mortality of cancer in all countries

This figure shows the age-standardized incidence of cancer in all countries. Among them, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, USA and Denmark cover a higher incidence.

This figure shows the age-standardized mortality of cancer in all countries. Among them, Mongolia, Kosovo, Serbia, Hungary and Montenegro cover a higher mortality.

Global cancer development model

It shows obvious regional and gender differences in the distribution of cancer types. Among males, prostate cancer holds the highest incidence in 107 countries. The next are lung cancer (36 countries), intestine cancer (11 countries) and liver cancer (11 countries).

The types of cancer with high incidence of females are more unitary. The breast cancer holds the highest incidence in females in 157 countries. The next is cervical cancer (23 countries).

With the increase of population and life expectancy, cancer will become more common and the burden of cancer will be further increased. When Choosing a healthy lifestyle, and making regular physical examination, 30% - 50% of cancer can be detected and treated earlier.

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