bool(false) Associate the southern hemisphere Mrsid data by creating a new dataset, and set the dynamic projection to utm-s-20-wgs84. Why is the projection information incorrect? Latitude and longitude shows 0 °, 90 °, rather than the right -63°. How to set? - FAQ - SuperMap

Q: Associate the southern hemisphere Mrsid data by creating a new dataset, and set the dynamic projection to utm-s-20-wgs84. Why is the projection information incorrect? Latitude and longitude shows 0 °, 90 °, rather than the right -63°. How to set?

A: The problem is caused by the consistent of theoretical value and the practice value. According to the state bureau of surveying and mapping, the vertical offset in the southern hemisphere is 10000000. But in the problem:

Sin the southern hemisphere data WGS_1984_UTM_20S projection and SuperMap predefined projection system, the vertical offset is 10000000, but the data must be set to 1000000 to properly display the coordinate information. The practical value has a certain particularity

03 Jul,2019

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