Smart City-The Information Cloud Platform Application

12 Mar,2019

The information cloud platform is based on various land and resources data, mature database management systems and geographic information system platforms to establish the core database management platform according to the unified standard. The platform realizes the classification display, data processing, query statistics, thematic mapping, data update and historical management of the land resources core data, and interfaces with the relevant application systems such as the e-government platform and the comprehensive information supervision platform to provide services for each business system with required basic data, thematic data and management data.

At present, the Zhengzhou Airport Experimental Area Geographic Information Cloud Platform brings together the vector electronic map, the image electronic map, the shading electronic map of the airport experimental area, the historical image electronic map and the real-scenario data from 2007 to 2017. It can be used to provide users with high-precision, comprehensive, authoritative, unique geographic information services and map services through the map-switching button. 

The high-resolution and high-precision image map can be used to clearly bird view the ground.

The remote sensing image maps over the years can be chosen to recall the rapid development of experimental area construction:

Year of 2007

Year of 2013

Year of 2015

Year of 2017

The rendering map can be chosen to view the topographical changes in the experimental area. 

The 3D real-scenario map can be chosen to immerse in scenes:

Street-view map can be chosen to view every corners of the experimental area without going out. 

In the future, the geographic information cloud platform will integrate various geospatial information resources in airport experimental area, and provide comprehensive, high-precision, multi-scale geographic information service to government, enterprises, and the public.. 

In addition, the geographic information cloud platform provides rich application interfaces to support the application development, including resource application, secondary development, application cases, and standard specifications. The sub-development of API provides convenient and rapid application development support for government departments and the public, which can promote application innovation and expand the value space through open data service interfaces, and coverage of mainstream technologies.

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