SuperMap GIS Forum Online-Big Data & AI GIS Technology and Applications

19 May,2020

We would like to invite you to SuperMap GIS Forum Online which will be held again on May 26, 2020 from 17:00 to 18:45 (UTC+8). By focusing on the theme of “Big Data & AI GIS Technology and Applications”, this forum will fully introduce Big Data technology and AI GIS technology of SuperMap, and provide you an excellent platform to understand the key technologies of GIS.

SuperMap GIS Forum Online is organized by SuperMap, which has the 3rd largest share in global GIS market, and the 1st largest share in Asia GIS market (by ARC Advisory Report). During this forum, experienced experts from Research and Development Institute of SuperMap will share reports on Big Data GIS and AI GIS technologies. Also, to further look at the applications of Data GIS and AI GIS technologies, reporters will analysis some typical cases from multi-industry. 


SuperMap Big Data GIS Technology  17:00-17:30

Xu Yun, Product Engineer of Big Data and AI R&D Center, SuperMap

The report will give a brief introduction about Big Data GIS Technology System of SuperMap, including Spatial big data storage, Spatial big data analysis, Real-time streaming data process and Spatial big data visualization. Through the report, you can have better understanding about what contents you need to consider when dealing with spatial data at scale, and generate a potential usage of big data in the fields of urban planning, aviation industry, communications industry and automotive manufacturing.

SuperMap AI GIS Technology 17:35-18:05

Yan Yuna, Product Consultant of R&D Institute, SuperMap

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, more and more organizations that engaged in GIS research and application have begun to actively invest in technological innovation of the integration of GIS and artificial intelligence.

The report will introduce the AI GIS technology system of SuperMap in detail. The capabilities of AI GIS are realized through three core contents: GeoAI, AI for GIS and GIS for AI.

Applications of SuperMap GIS Enhanced by AI & Big Data 18:10-18:40

Bill Li, Technical Support Engineer of SuperMap International

The presentation will focus on how to use Big Data GIS technology and AI GIS technology of SuperMap. 

Further more, it will discuss the possibilities in integrating Big Data and AI technology in order to improve the capability of GIS system.


The forum will go live on Zoom Cloud Meetings. Please install the client in advance and join us by the link below when the live time comes. 

Download Zoom (for all terminals):

Join the Webinar:

Meeting ID: 990 2642 9211

We hope you can have your calendar marked, and we are delighted to meet you.

For any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Emma via

Tel: 86 10 59896996


SuperMap Software Co., Ltd


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